Friday, June 17, 2011


Alright, round two of the wars has begun. I will go through and explain the changes from area to area.

Midwest: Soon devolved into an uncivilized area. Detroit quickly devolved into a violent, and barbarian land. The land St. Louis was controlling soon fell to Detroit and so did much else. The midwest quickly became a wasteland of anarchy.

Atlantic: Boston and D.C. formed an alliance to get rid of NY, who was proving to be too hostile. They then went on to form an alliance with Montreal and Miami, The Atlantic Alliance. However, threats from Detroit and other hostile barbarians disturbed their peace and wrecked their borders. They decided to build a wall across their borders to keep out the uncivilized anarchists. Newfoundland has stayed a safe haven of defense, in which art and knowledge has prospered.

The North: Most civilizations in the north fell under quickly, and the people either died or abandoned the land and went south. Most land up north that the other states controlled was abandoned. The harsh military regime of Anchorage assumed control of the land.

Pacific North: The Empire of Seatle was quick to take over the lands of Edmonton it could take, but must now deal with sharing borders with the hostile Barbarians in the midwest.

Pacific South: Los Angeles has been able to keep a relatively sound and defensible empire, though it lost it's eastern land to barbarians. They have begun to invade parts of northern Mexico.

Texas: largely become a place of war. Abandoned by most, it is now mostly filled with military and anarchists. The middle of it has been completely abandoned by all nations and nearly no one lives within the area.

Caribbean: Cuba got into a war with the Floridan Empire, losing and thus destroying the nation. The Santo Domingo Empire helped Florida and so gained some land as well.

North Mexico: Monterrey's Empire has been invaded by southern Mexico, who proclaim that Mexico must be unified and Monterrey is in their way. California has begun to slowly invade parts of the empire as well. Attacked on all sides, the nation is in shambles.

Southern Mexico: Under Ciudad de Mexico, Southern Mexico has been unified with much of the rest of Mexico. A nationalist movement has been born within that calls for a new Mexican Empire, and they have begun to start on it.

Central America: The Managuan Empire, weak and poor, is losing a war against Mexico. Their one ally, Bogota, is as well losing in war.

Northern South America: Venezuela, along with its ally Peru, have begun a war against Colombia, which was up to then a power of South America. Venezuela has also begun to colonize parts of the Amazon, a relatively uncivilized area.

Amazon: Near totally devoid of civilization, it has begun to be carved out by other nations, while the people inside it live simple hunter gatherer lives.

Brazil: The Sao Paulo Empire has been thrust into a war against Argentina, and is currently on the defensive. The Salvador Empire has stayed a stable and rich nation, but may soon have to help his Brazilian ally against Argentina.

Southern Cone: The Argentine Empire has grown into the leading power of South America. Forming an alliance with Peru, the Argentine people are dedicated to expanding their Empire. They've engaged in War with Sao Paulo, and have begun to carve up its territory.

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