Thursday, June 16, 2011

An introduction to this blog:

This is what 2 dudes percieve as what would happen if the American continent reset to city states and had to wage war for land.
Obviously it's going to have some biases and some things that are inaccurate, but hey it's all for fun

Explaining the first edition of the map:
I'll go from a rough north to south, west to east way about this.

Anchorage: Soldiers stationed in Alaska from the former US Military basically take over all of the north part of Canada with ease, forming an oppressed, small population,
Nuuk: Greenland is no longer a Danish territory, but don't play much of a role in the wars.
Seattle: Troops quickly spread to form 'Cascadia" and expand further in easily taken over territory before meeting up with other empires
Edmonton: Peaceful union between remaining prairie provinces and Manitoba, small territorial gains to the south
Montreal: Gains all of Quebec, secures northern Ontario, when tried to go into southern Ontario other armies had already occupied it.
Boston: Quickly takes over all of New England and the Atlantic Provinces, hit's hostile borders with New York
St. Johns: Takes over the island of Newfoundland, becomes a highly defensive stronghold.
Los Angeles: Secures most of California, expands into desert terrain, hindering expansion. Constant uneasy border with Mexican troops.
St. Louis: Secures most of the midwest, agriculturally rich, weak border defense.
Detroit: Secures the great lake states, gets in a border dispute over southern Ontario.
New York City: Expands in a small area, keeping armies strong, not the best relations with surrounding territories.
Washington DC: Secures signifigant coastline, heads west, weak fronts everywhere but the west and south.
Miami: Secures the Florida peninsula, takes over much of the southern USA, hits border disputes.
Monterrey: Secures the northern half of former Mexico, fights bitterly with Los Angeles for Baja California. Takes over southern Texas.
Cuidad de Mexico: Secures the southern half of former mexico, signs a peace treaty with Monterrey, annexes guatemalan territories
Managua: Slowly expands into most of central america, very weakened from war.
Havana and Santa Domingo: Mostly concerned with unifying carribean islands for themseves. Havana has the superior navy.
Bogota: Secures most of Colombian lands, takes over all of Ecuador and starts in on Peruvian and Venezuelan lands.
Caracas: Expands slowly across the northern coast, border clashes with Bogota.
Lima: Secures coastal Peru, and northern Chile and western Bolivia.
Manaus: Creates a coalition of amazonian warriors to expand in every direction, not very strong on any front.
Salvador: Secures most of the north eastern part of Brazil and becomes defensive to Sao Paulo.
Sao Paulo: Expands quickly, takes over half of uruguay, all of paraguay, eastern Bolivia and prepares for war on two fronts.
Buenos Aires: Gains all of Argentina quickly, peaceful coexistion with Chile after an attack from Peru.

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